Even though I hail from Pakistan's city by the sea, Karachi
where major civil unrest is a regular occurrence and often comes without
warning, never did I expect to find myself caught up in all this thousands of
miles away from home on the cross roads of the two continents. Istanbul, the
largest city of the Turkish republic and the only major city that falls between
the two continents of Asia and Europe. Media coverage has been very minimal in
Pakistan, some are however courtesy of foreign media outlets familiar with the
events that unfolded in Turkey's largest city Istanbul over the past few
It all began a few weeks ago with demonstrators mainly the
youth gathering at Gezi Park which is
located next to the iconic Taksim in Central Istanbul to protest against a
development project that involved the planned demolition of the park in favor
of a mega shopping plaza along with luxury apartments. The arguments of the
protesters in the early days were that it was one of the very few green spaces
remaining in Central Istanbul and for environmental reasons the Park must be
protected. What started off as movement
to protect the park evolved into violent and destructive anti government
protests with calls demanding the resignation of the Turkish Prime Minister
Tayyeb Recip Erdagon. Different varieties of Anti Government protest groups had
joined the environmentalists in Gezi Park, and the figure occupying the park
and adjoining Taksim square had multiplied.

Majority of Turks living in Istanbul and other major cities
particularly the youth are very proud of their secular and non religious
identity and they feel threatened by the Prime Minister's recent initiatives
for mildly curbing the sale of alcohol. I say mildly because, the only
restrictions he has introduced is that you can not have liqour stores around
mosques and corner shops can not sell from 10 pm to 6 am. The latter is also
applied across most European Union countries including the United Kingdom,
hence making it essentially a very European initiative. His opponents now label
him an Islamist dictator in the making.
I was originally destined to stay a few minutes walk from
the iconic Gezi park and Taksim square, because of the nature of protests and
demonstrations which had prospects of turning violent, I opted to stay at a
hotel located about 1.5 km away from Taksim Square in an almost equally
happening and vibrant part of town. I arrived back at the hotel around 930 pm
on Saturday night, it was mostly calm around Taksim at the time, and everything
in my neighborhood was business as usual. I woke up the following morning and
saw the hell that had been unleashed in Osmanbey and Sisli neighborhoods of
Central Istanbul. I had stepped out of the hotel in the morning as usual to
witness carnage. The entrance to the hotel resembled a make shift clinic with
doctors treating the injured protesters and the air outside was not breathable,
there was enough tear gas residue in the air to cause a burning sensation in
one's eyes and throat. After taking a few quick snaps, I rushed back into hotel
and headed straight for my room. The street right outside the Hotel was
unrecognizable and resembled a war zone. Through out the night and the morning
a major conflict had taken place between protesters and riot and the
neighborhood of Osmanbey had become the new front line in the battle. I later
came to know, that the night before, the Prime Minister had finally lost his
patience with the Gezi Park and Taksim demonstrators after issuing them
ultimatums repeatedly to evacuate and had ordered the riot police to march into
Gezi park and empty it.

I returned to the lobby a few hours later just in time to
check out and leave for the airport. Battle between riot police and protesters
had resumed outside the hotel with fresh rounds of tear gas bombs and rubber
bullets being fired by the police while the former were hurling stones at them.
By now tear gas had made its way into the lobby, and even the air in the lobby
was intolerable. The staff was very cooperative and helping indeed, they
facilitated my exit from the hotel through the underground staff car park
through the back of the hotel as I hopped onto a cab and made my way to the airport
for my flight back home. There was
momentary panic but it subsided once I reached the airport. Such chaos is rare
for this beautiful city and I can only hope that these protestors and the
Turkish government are able to find a common ground and life returns to full
normality in Central Istanbul very soon.